9 Things Your Resume needs if You want to be hired by Apple or Google.
The Article is from the Businessinsider and written by Alyson Shontel.

How do you get hired by a tech giant like Apple, Microsoft or Google?
Gayle Laakmann McDowell worked for all three companies and wrote a book, The Google Resume, with tips for job seekers.
No, you don't need to have a perfect GPA, says McDowell. But if you graduated from an elite university that will help.
Here are a few things big tech companies look for on resumes. These could be the difference between an interview and a non response.
To purchase a copy of The Google Resume, head over to Amazon.
How do you get hired by a tech giant like Apple, Microsoft or Google?
Gayle Laakmann McDowell worked for all three companies and wrote a book, The Google Resume, with tips for job seekers.
No, you don't need to have a perfect GPA, says McDowell. But if you graduated from an elite university that will help.
Here are a few things big tech companies look for on resumes. These could be the difference between an interview and a non response.
To purchase a copy of The Google Resume, head over to Amazon.