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Columnist: Iyeomoan Emmanuel

At a time like this when it seems like “the center can no longer hold” as the glue that bonds us together as a people is loosing its grip and “things are falling apart”, many a political thinkers believe that a National Conference is never too late a time like this.  History is rich with meetings of this magnitude, not in the caliber of prominent public figures that acted on the stage, but in the errors and blunders of past conglomeration of ideas on the national table.
In this first edition of the series on the National Confab, Polity Police observe with clarity of purpose, some salient issues to be addressed; challenges to be faced and anticipated credits to be gained from a national conference of this nature. For content’s sake, let’s concentrate our energies on the salient issues that will draw the collective attention of Nigerians, in the course of the national conference.

It’ll be nonchalance on our paths to shut our eyes to realities, and negate the wind of change that is about to blow the Nation to its near-eldorado. Before we envision reaping the fruits of a national get-together, conscience-searching questions geared towards placing us on the right direction of change must be asked. Progressively, answers to these questions must be offered with respect to: where we were before; where we are now; and where we intend to be after the conference? Having conducted an online poll on the social media, Facebook to be precise, the afore-stated “conscience-searching questions” are presented in no particular order here-under as follows:
  • What were the results of past conferences of this nature?
  • What were the demands of citizens of the country at those times and what are their demands now?
  • Would a national conference procure curative measures to the maladies eating the nation’s health? Has it ever resolved issues in the past?
  • What are the costs and benefits to society of this national conference?
  • Why should it be a national conference, and not a sovereign national conference?
  • What happens to Nigeria if a breakdown occurs in the process of national conferencing?
The Polity Police as well as other public affairs analysts anticipate probable success on this matter that has, and is still trailing the polity (National Confab). We expect partial success outcomes on the basis of a negation of salient issues of national interests. These issues must, and should be tackled headlong before the ship of a successful national conference is set to sail. They include, and yet are not limited to:
  • Deteriorated state of the education sector
  • Heated polity ahead of a pregnant 2015 general election
  • Poverty in the midst of resource-surplus
  • Unemployment in the presence of massive capital flight
  • Population issues and its surrounding problems

Deteriorated state of the education sector: Aggrieved quarters (undergraduate and lecturers) sneer at the drama of a proposed national conference by the Jonathan-led administration, tagging it a “dance of shame”. If we are objective enough in our judgments, we can’t but agree that the education sector has reached its boiling point. Our institutions of higher learning which were initially set-up for research and development, have been reduced to a state akin to livestock-pens; laboratories are as empty as caskets, without basic facilities and chemicals necessary for experiments; lecture theaters are like town-halls, that you could count the few available seats; students hang on windows like bus-conductors, just to receive lectures that sometimes span for hours. Furthermore, our libraries are archaic and hive a crop of outdated intellectual properties; hostels are unavailable or insufficient, and where they are available, are worse than Nigerian prisons (you know how our prisons look). Ultimately and most painfully, the academic calendar is stylishly truncated by incessant and concurrent seizures in the form of labour strikes- courtesy of government insincerity in meeting up her obligations.

Heated polity ahead of a pregnant 2015 general election: Many wonder why the polity is unnecessarily heated by power-hungry and greedy politicians, when the 2015 general election is still pregnant; though, we can predict what the outcomes will be.  It is unsurprising to expect that most of our elder statesmen who are expected too act as glue to uniting the diverse interests of Nigerians, are at the forefront of this shameful act. Isn’t it needful to repair these broken edges of our walls before thinking of a national conference? Why don’t we organize a conference of elder statesmen to settle their differences before lowering this boat called “National Confab”?

Poverty in the midst of resource-surplus: How can we be talking of a national conference when the stomach of the common man is empty? Are they going to seat on the national table of resolution with hungry-looking eyes? Or, probably, they will be cut out of the scheme of things by inequitable representation. Their interests will be represented, or better still, misrepresented by the over-satisfied few, who do not know how it feels to be hungry. It’s an irony that the gap between the haves and have-nots widens with successive increase in the GDP- this is not funny at all!

Unemployment in the presence of massive capital flight: Many employers of labour argue that the problem of unemployment in the country isn’t unavailability of jobs, but unemployability of job seekers. I fail to accept that cheap claim owing to the fact that present day youths and prospective job-seekers are more intelligent than those of the 60s, 70s and 80s (the youthful times of our fathers) respectively. It amazes me that most of the big government employees, who preach “unemployability of this generation” are half baked intellectuals. The media can support my claim with many incidences of multiple errors in communication and lack-lustre presentation of ideas by the so-called government big-boys (the public servants). For instance, the “oga at the top saga” on Channels TV is still fresh on our minds; the grammatical blunders of the president’s wife, who was at one time the controversial head of service of Bayelsa State; the most recent is the Anambra governorship debates aired by African Independent Television (AIT) on 31st October 2013, and the Abia national conference forum, where working-class citizens couldn’t communicate their ideas to the public without reading unending manuscripts, even when time was allotted to them on that regard. Or is it in Edo state, where a government employed head-teacher couldn’t spell her name in the presence of the Comrade-Governor? Let’s tell ourselves the truth and stop living in deceit. With this revelation, what are the reasons for high unemployment statistics, if not bad government policies as well as capital flight? Money that would have been invested here in the country are transported to foreign lands and imprisoned in their banks. Our leaders should tell themselves the truth- that they are the cause of our problems and not the harmless youths who are out there to better their lots. We complain of unemployment, yet public officials buy private jets, armored cars, and build sophisticated houses. Come to think of it, majority of the masses have no rooftops to hide their baldness, yet all governors have private lodges in Abuja; they are virtually 35 governors lodge in the FCT. What message are they sending to the youths? Why won’t they (the frustrated youths) take to crime to better their lot, when our fathers (the politicians) disappoint them with their reckless spending? Much is left for another day.

Population issues and other surrounding problems: Last month, the NPC’s boss resigned from service after some months of his appointment without any important reason. It was a true test of integrity and is rather un-nigerian to remove one’s tongue from a honey-pot, but he did and posterity must remember Francis Odimegwu for that. After analyzing the circumstances surrounding is resignation, I gathered that population issues are more political than I envisaged. The 2006 national census was marred by irregularities in the figures, which alone was enough to break the country. Many states had their figures over-stated, with expectation of higher shares from the national treasury. How can we grow in the midst of these insincerities?

The polity police have sufficiently touched some of the salient issues that must be put before the cart, for an effective national conference. We continue this series next time by treating challenges to be faced. Watch out for part 2!

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          A story was once told of a Jewish man who spotted a swampy area in a part of Lagos Nigeria.  He made a move for its purchase and the owners (Nigerians) laughed at him saying “can anything good come out of this”, that why would such a man indicate interest to purchase a swampy land.  After all said and done the land was sold at a give away price.  That same land was developed and today, it’s what is popularly referred to as Victoria Garden City.
          It is not just large companies that are finding opportunities in Africa, but also visionary entrepreneurs.  Success has been the testimony with the likes of Innscor, who leveraged on the poor socio-economic state of Zimbabwe and has successfully built conglomerates.  Bidco in Kenya has created an oil business with more than $160 million turnover, while building over 51 percent market share in Kenya, and the company exports oil, detergents and other products to more than a dozen African countries.  Bill Lynch, CEO of South Africa’s Imperial Holdings transport group, with annual turnover of $6.2billion, was born in rural Ireland.  Lynch was named Ernst and Young world Entrepreneur in 2006, He told the Financial Times in 2006, “if South Africa grows at the expected rate of 6percent, his business should grow at 15 – 20 percent over the next few years.
          As previously noted, Asian governments and companies have recognized the opportunities in Africa, as Chinese merchants and products are evident across Africa, from low-cost televisions, to generators, clothing, shoes and other appliances.  Jincheng motorcycles race across the roads and in Nigeria.  Indian and Pakistan traders sell leather, clothing etc in Johannesburg South Africa.  The same is being repeated in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.
          “The growing African trade and investment by China and India, particularly in sub-Saharan countries, is one of the most significant features of recent developments in the global economy”.

Harry Broadman
World Bank Economist

          A sino-African Summit in 2006, brought representatives of virtually all African countries to Beijing, China, where she pledged $5 billion in loans and credits to Africa during the summit.  The same was duplicated in New Delhi, India, in an organized India – Africa summit in 2008, which brought about the set up of major companies like Tata, Mahindra, Kirloskar and Ranbaxyin Africa.
          We have been known to be a consumption economy, thereby managing depreciation, without a steady increase in production.  The real sector has been seen to be a major driver of growth, and whose opportunities can be leveraged upon for poverty reduction, unemployment reduction etc.  A few Nigerians are actively involved in productive activities while some lack the touch of excellence, others are not appreciated by the market.  Findings reveal that Nigerians prefer the purchase of foreign items compare to locally made goods. As we continue on this track, we would experience increased capital flights, where foreigners invade our markets, employ Nigerians to seat in offices and work under unhealthy weather conditions, make their money and repatriate these funds to their home country, at the expense of the growth of the Nigerian real sector, which is spurred by poor discretionary policy measures. Please ponder on these things, as we continue next week under the same discourse.  Have a great week ahead.

Obele Gospel Jesuite
CRO-Project Change Initiative
A 21st Century Leadership, Organizational and Economic Development Strategist

For Comment, please visit Obele Jesuite on Facebook,
@ OBELEObele on twitter, for emails,
or contact 08130070991.

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Columnist: Iyeomoan Emmanuel
In this maiden edition of the “POLITY POLICE”, let us together address some contemporary political issues that affect the economy and bring to light the forces of darkness militating against sustainable development in third world countries; Nigeria in particular. “For every aspiring-to-thrive nation, marriage between the economy and the polity must be blissful; a divorce of opinions between these two would mean a disintegration of growth-interests”. Any “aspiring to grow economy” can do so only in a system of administration and distribution having appropriate checks and balances.
The economic “big wigs” in this epoch of information; the US, Great Britain, France, Switzerland, and a few others, are at the fore-front due to the watchful eyes and critical minds of the populace. Thus, our contribution to political cum economic discourse determines the pace with which the economy grows. The growth of every modern economy like Singapore, Malaysia, Brazil, to mention but a few,  are evident from the contributions of individual Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Corporate bodies (the private sector) and the government (in terms of creating the enabling environment). I observed that the contribution of the government is infinitesimal relative to the private sector. That notwithstanding, provision of basic amenities like electricity, water and housing by the government, are the motivators to economic vibrancy of the public sector; Nigeria should borrow a leaf from that. On that respect, “policing the polity is the surest-bet to securing economic harmony” in a country with divergent interest groups with diversified demands. Painstakingly, this article is tagged “irresponsive polity in a responsive economy”, as I bring to bare the nonchalant behaviour of actors in the polity that repel economic growth.
Third World countries will continue to grow retrogressively even in the face of “myriads of natural and human resources”, so long as there exist barricades to economic growth. I call problems- barricades, because I believe that they are propellants to growth. These “barricades to economic growth” are multifarious in nature and ubiquitous in our socio-political and economic terrain; vis-à-vis:
Information secrecy: Many a public analysts will agree with me that the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill is a camouflage; and illusion from reality. How many political officials openly declare their financial worth, on assumption of office? Can an ordinary Nigerian walk into the Chief Statisticians office, or the Auditor-general’s, to gather information pertaining to the real state of the economy? All we see are media propaganda that gives a wrong impression on the health of the economy.
Socio-political cum economic illiteracy: It is no news that Nigerians are becoming aware of happenings in the political sphere. Conversely, if you conduct a referendum, you’ll be shocked to know that majority of the youths (“would-be leaders” of tomorrow, which never comes) are ignorant of the devices of government mal-administrators and policy makers. During the “subsidy protest” in Lagos, I asked a handful of youths clustered around the Oshodi area of Lagos if they know the meaning of “subsidies or deregulation” and to my displeasure, I got a “no we don’t” answer for a reply. What a pity!
Bureaucratic Insincerity: Due to the prevailing level of information secrecy, government officials pervert their political offices and get away with it; only those who refuse to play to the gallery of the “shadow godfathers” are probed and found wanting; James Ibori, the former Governor of Delta State is a case-study. For instance, we can remember the not too long cases of persons robbing the government and bailing themselves by settling an arm of the government; the judiciary to be precise. The bureaucratic nature of the civil service is another pain in the neck, as insincerity is brought to the fore on a daily basis. For example, a lump-sum meant to be distributed to some quarters, say, the local councils, pensioners and contractors, may loose the value of its zeros as it is transferred from one location to another. What can we say to all of these?
The Nigeria we are in today is just a mere delusion; a proper makeshift and a deviation from the master-plan of our founding fathers, who acted true federalism on the stage of economic abundance as we still have it today. Our resources are normally distributed, though there are some random disturbances to our growth model, which can be traced and treated with care.
Presently, the economy is caught in a web and the future looks bleak due to weak political and economic institutions and untreated issues of national concern; namely:
Insecurity: Insecurity is a direct foe of investment and an indirect enemy of economic growth; it affects the GDP on a negative scale. The alarming state of insecurity in Nigeria is a topic on its own that this article is insufficient to expedite action on; that’s a topic for another day.
Unstable supply of basic amenities:  The economy stagnates due to the insensitivity and insincerity of government to providing basic and essential amenities, which have a direct effect on economic growth. Thanks to the September 30 handover of ownership and distribution of electricity to the private sector; though, with unpaid remuneration of “to be laid-off staff” of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), which is an issue that may shake the foundations of the polity sooner than expected. Like every Oliver Twist and as the “oracle of the masses”, I say- ‘it is not enough to deregulate the power-sector without creating alternative jobs to laid-off workers”. Other sectors like the Petroleum sector still need then ever-ready helping hands of the private sector (deregulate at least, the downstream sub-sector of the petroleum industry). The reason why government would grin at deregulation of the petroleum sector boils down to greed. One the fastest means of lifting an economy from the dungeons of poverty is by government provision of essential amenities to the masses. The cost of doing business in Nigeria is fueling a generator, which is capital intensive. How can we grow in the face of these easy to be solved problems? Is the provision of basic amenities the citizens’ rights, or are they privileges enjoyed relative to their paid loyalty to the government of the day in terms of votes during elections? We all know the truth; let’s not shy away from it.
Inconsistency of government policies: Since there is no friend in business and no permanent friend or enemy in Nigeria politics, policies are bound to change with each change in government. Uncompleted projects of previous governments will remain so with the inauguration of a new administration. We all know that the Yaradua’s 7-point agenda was replaced by the transformation agenda of the present administration. The next administration’s “agenda” is like a pregnant woman- we don’t know the name and form it will take; it may be a “national-restructuring agenda”. The government is dexterous when it comes to conning audibly-appealing acronyms and names for an agenda. How “sure” is “SURE-P” (Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme? The shocking thing is that policies are changed, even when the same political party still controls power. What an ambiguity!
Since the problem of the country is multi-faceted and thus, can’t be treated with a single blow, I make this clarion call to all Nigerians to stock themselves with information necessary to improving their lots in particular, and the nation én-large. The only way out of this cobweb-trap is personal capacity development. We can’t be waiting for an irresponsive government to put food on our tables. The Bible and Qu'ran posit that, “whatsoever your find your hands to do, do it with all thy might…” lets stop waiting for the government to tar the roads, build the bridges or give us pipe borne water, when we are uncultured. A defunct governor of Edo-state, Samuel Ogbemudia puts it this way; ‘if the government tar the roads and fail to tamed the persons that will ply the roads, the roads will be destroyed in a short-time, but if the government train the minds of the masses, they may end up building the roads themselves’. What a powerful quote! You all will agree with him.

Polity Police is your economic-watchdog of the polity and unravels the hidden secrets of government which are anti-growth. Remember, Nigeria was not built in a day and cannott be destroyed effortlessly. Together, we shall collectively build a virile economy, a steady polity and a better Nigeria anchored on sincerity of purpose and truth. In this regard, your comments and suggestions are anticipated and will be treated with umpteen confidentiality, if you so desire.
Thanks for your shared time.


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Africa has more than 900 million consumers. Despite the challenges, every day they need to eat. They need clean water. They need shelter, Clothing and medicine. They want cell phones, bicycles, companies, automobiles and education for their children. Businesses are already seizing these opportunities to build markets across Africa.
New York Times, May 2006.
We are in a time and age where we are dealing with Nations that are major competitors for emerging economies that lack wisdom and many developing countries that have not articulated their own position of what they are seeking for. The resources of our Nation have been placed in our Nation, for the prosperity and upliftment of our people.
          Unfortunately, Africa though covering about 15% of the earth surface and two third of the world population with an estimate of 900million consumers, may be slipping into another brand of colonialism with its growing bilateral ties with china, dominating presence of European and American companies, increasing incursion of Indian firms and host of others. Trade between china and Africa is reputed to have increased more than six-fold during the past decade, rising to a record of $120bn in 2011.
The Chinese have not hidden their interest in Africa’s natural resources and seem to be putting their money where their mouth is by investing huge sums in Africa’s infrastructure. Roads and bridges are being built by Chinese firms at a good pace across the continent. From Liberia to Zimbabwe, Ethiopia to Sudan, Nigeria to Niger and Egypt. The Chinese have entered into business partnerships to increase their stand in Africa. Surprisingly, a substantial part of the manpower and material used for the project are imported from china. Beijing’s penchant for maintaining strict business relationships has endeared them to most Africa’s remaining dictators.
“It is clear to us that any global firm interested in growth must see Africa as an essential part of its portfolio”. 
E. Neville Isdell,
 Chairman and CEO , The Cola Cola Company USA.
Other companies are stepping up their presence in Africa. Unilever, facing increased competition and declining profits in the united states and Europe (where sales growth fell from 5 percent in 1998 to 0.7 percent in 2004), announced plans to step up its business in the developing world, including Africa, where it is already firmly established. Nestle caught between forecasts of growth of only 1.5 percent annually in developed market and its target of 5 percent to 6 percent organic growth, announced plans in 2006 to step up operations in west Africa and other developing markets to make up the difference
The Coca–Cola company which has been in Africa since 1928, has seen its business on the continent increase steadily over the past two decades, despite the ups and downs of individual countries. The company now sells 93 million servings of its beverages every day across Africa, generating about $4 - $5billion in system revenues for the company. As a sign of its development, in June 2007, Coca-Cola relocated its African headquarters from Windsor, United Kingdom to Johannesburg, South Africa.
“I believe that our business in Africa should be managed locally, by Coca-Cola associates who live and breathe the continent. Johannesburg is an ideal location for our new office since it has excellent business infrastructure network with the rest of the continent.”  
Muhtar kent
President and Chief Operating Officer, Coca-Cola Company
“On a per-unit basis, Africa is the third most profitable market in the world.
The African market is quite attractive for the company and for most multinationals if they look at it with the right lens. Most people only see the negatives of Africa. You have to get beyond the perception to see the opportunities. We estimate that 350 million to 500 million people would potentially be market for our products. That’s a lot of people. The returns in Africa are as good as, or better than, they are in a lot of BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) in the medium and short term. And the African market is not as competitive as BRIC countries. We have a significant opportunity to shape beverages in Africa and see the results.”
Alex Cummings
 President, Africa Group of the Coca-Cola company.
I leave us this week with a question. Can only Africans save Africa? Cheers!
Obele Gospel Jesuite
CRO- Project Change Initiative 
          A 21st century leadership, organizational and economic development strategist.
For comment, please visit Obele Jesuite on facebook, @OBELEObele, on twitter to Gospel _, or contact  08130070991. 
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Happy Independence Nigeria! I begin this week by telling us a story.
On a certain day, a friend and I visited a teaching hospital. As we approached the maternity ward, we met a young woman, whom the nurse told us could not be discharged due to inability to pay her hospital bill. As if that was not enough,  we saw her new born baby, lying on an old carton on the ground with the woman’s wrapper spread beside the baby serving as her “mattress.” Looking at this experience and thinking through, tears filled my eyes, as only the creator knows who that baby is destined to be. By privilege, we had to do the little we could to help the situation
Further findings have revealed that:
·         About 2500 children under age 5 in Africa die on a daily basis due to malaria
·         By estimates, 250 deaths out of 1000 birth are recorded due to poor maternal health.
·         Over 70% of Nigerians live below the poverty line.
·         Economic growth in Nigeria has not translated to improved standard  of living but rather increasing costs of living, unstable macroeconomic environment, unfavorable discretionary policies, bad political and socio-economic structures, poor educational system, business failures, unemployment and youth restiveness, etc has been the order of the day. Obviously, what we see and experience are not consistent with the core values of development (sustenance, self esteem and freedom from servitude) and the objectives of development (to increase the ability and widen the distribution of basic life sustaining goods, to raise standard of living and to expand the range of economic and social choices).
The big question is where and how do we change the game plan?.
              “What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are little matters compared with what lies within us”
                                                                        Oliver Wendell Holmes.
“The eyes that look are many, but the eyes that see are few”
The spot for change lies in our hearts, and this can only be possible when we begin to see (with the eyes of our heart) and  create the Nigeria of our dream.
“The creation of a new Nigeria must begin with a New vision”
                                                                                                Sam Adeyemi
The moment we begin to see and hold consistently, the new Nigeria dream in our hearts, it would
·         become the basis for which  internal motivation comes  for personal and national transformation.
·         become the basis for socio-economic, and political decisions making process.
·          aid clear individual and National direction.
·         It would aid cultural revolution .
“Every generation has problems and challenges, which makes that generation specially assigned to solve its problems. Refusal to solve or being ignorant about these problems would rob generations to come, the privilege they should enjoy”.
                                                                                      Obele Gospel Jesuite.
The challenges inherent in our societies are opportunities  for us to innovate and make our marks in history. Think about it!
I encourage you to please find your place in the nation. You were designed to solve a problem. You have abilities that you have not discovered and you can do more than you think.  It’s our season of change. Change agents are known for;
v  Having a good sense of purpose
v  Deploying their talents
v  A genuine passion for change.
v  They are full of insight
v  Being Good communicators
v  Success
Let’s come together and work towards a new Nigeria, where 
v  The core value and objectives of development would be natural to our system.
v  The average citizen would not have to worry about what to eat even if he or she is temporarily out of work.
v  Where there will be quality of health care, sound education system, uninterrupted power supply.
v  Strong and lasting political and socio-economic structure etc.
Lastly, I urge us to please visit for more on the Nigeria dream. Together, we will succeed!
                                                      Obele Gospel Jesuite
CRO-Project Change Initiative
A 21st Century Leadership
Organizational and economic development strategist

For comment, please visit Obele Jesuite on Facebook or @Obeleobele on twitter and contact how at, on 08130070991.
Happy independence and have a great week ahead!
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Setting a Dynamic Agenda for a National Dialogue by Daniel Chimezie

It was a redefining moment in the history of the World and Africa in particular. Our noble heroes had fought gallantly and freed their own great nation from the hands of White colonialists and imperialists. The era of exploitation was over and there was a tumultuous herald of a new dawn. Men and Women took to the streets, dancing and singing. The youngest of babies were not left out of the celebration and the most glorious speeches in history were delivered. It was October 1, 1960 and Nigeria had been officially declared an independent state. The course of history was changed as nations heralded the arrival of the black hope.
We took off on a good note as a nation with our own people now in charge of our affairs. Expectations and hopes were high. The people at the helm of affairs were focused and committed to nation-building and commendations were coming from far and near. In fact, as Federal Minister of Mines and Power in the first Republic, Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule recalls that there was an International Development Review Report released during the period which stated that in 15 to 20 years, three developing countries would join the league of industrialized nations (The Guardian, July 27, 2013). These countries were Brazil, India and Nigeria. This as the report observed, was as a result of the quality leadership delivery in these countries. Nigeria was the world's blue- eyed boy and Africa's emerging economy and almost every country wanted to associate with us.
Unfortunately, the atmosphere of blissful hope was to last only a while as the rudder of the Nigerian ship suddenly began to drift. Issues that were not in our original national agenda began to manifest. Personal and tribal interests began to replace national interest. Nepotism started creeping in. Bribery and corruption was fast raising its ugly head and our national values and ideals were fast being eroded. Conflicts and controversies began to rise from everywhere slowing efforts at developing the country.
In spite of all our mistakes in the past, I still see Nigeria as a land of opportunities as every indicator points to this fact. For example, despite the tension created by insecurity in the country, Nigeria has for the second time in two years retained its position as Africa’s number one destination for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), according to the global FDI report released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (The Punch, June 27, 2013). In the same vein,  a recent report undertaken by KPMG rated Nigeria as one of the countries sought for by foreign investors as a result of the consistent improvement in investment yields, which are also attributed to a cocktail of reforms put in place in recent times (Thisday, March 17, 2013). The ranking by one of the world’s foremost audit, financial and tax advisory firms, KPMG, placed Nigeria among the four major investment destinations and growth areas in the world following the disappointing returns by most of the emerging global economic powerhouses of Brazil, Russia, India and China.
There must be something that these foreigners are seeing that Nigerians themselves are not seeing and that is the fact that Nigeria is a land of immense opportunities which we must take advantage of to build a prosperous society.
For Nigeria to actualize its full potentials, the following suggestions should be considered.
There must be a way forward for Nigeria. First, we must shun pretence and admit that we are still far away from our hopes and aspirations as a people. Then, we can make deliberate efforts to set this country on the path of honour. We can begin by redefining the nationhood of this country. In doing this, Nigerians must have unity of purpose. We must abandon our primordial attachments for a new Nigerian relationship. We must seek unity and discourage anything that promotes disunity. We must break down every dichotomy that has held us down as a people. Our diversity should be no cog in the wheels of progress of this country; rather, it should be harnessed to lubricate our state machinery and give us leverage over other nations. What we need now is the unity of marriage; such unity that brings differences together to bring forth increase (Ojukwu, 1989). Until the Nigerian polity is completely reconciled with itself, the quest for national rebirth may remain a daydream.
Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in quality leadership. We must re-conceptualize leadership to emphasize on development rather than chaotic politics and allow for a system that will enable us put our best foot forward. This, of course will come to bear when we elevate meritocracy over ethnicity.
In the same vein, the current notion of leadership as the most lucrative 'business' in Nigeria should be expunged. In fact, we should start making efforts to make leadership less attractive. The business of leadership is a serious one and should be left to only serious-minded people. When this is done, it will see to the emergence of leaders that will be ready to build for posterity and not breathlessly scouting for personal gains.
The problem with Nigeria has not all been about failed leadership but also of bad followership. In fact, it is said that bad followers make a bad leader. Nigerians should recognize that the task of building a great nation is a collective responsibility and should not be left to any one individual or group. The usual posture of 'looking the other way round' adopted by most Nigerians on issues bordering on the advancement of this country should be dispelled. It is the thundering followers that constitute the power of the masquerade.
Not much progress can be made in the quest for nation-building if the youths are not integrated into the scheme and this is where citizen-based groups like the Project Change Initiative (PCI) come in. PCI is an initiative pioneered by my friend, Obele Gospel and I and other like-minded young people that is heavily involved in advocacy and sensitisation of the Nigerian youth (from secondary schools to tertiary institutions) to be concerned with 21st century cultural thinking of value creation by locating and utilizing opportunities and maximizing talents than becoming infested with the get-rich-quick syndrome in society. The basis of this advocacy is that amassing wealth only satisfies an individual’s self-interest but value creation is the 21st century cultural pattern that does not only guarantee wealth but most importantly enhances the life of other individuals, organisations, nations and the World in the manner that Bill Gates has done with Microsoft Inc. and Larry Page with Google Inc. 
 We must resuscitate our value system which is anchored on integrity, hardwork and enterprise. In this regard, I suggest that this should be entrenched as a constitutional role of our traditional institution. This would be a sure way out of the menace of corruption and general inefficiency.
We thank God for the new wave of awareness and enthusiasm that is being created in the mind of Nigerians at the moment by agencies including the National Orientation Agency (NOA). We urge the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to join the NOA to do more in this regard. This is quite strategic for us as it is said that the recognition of a problem is a basic step in solving such a problem.
We should not dissipate so much energy on the past because we cannot buy it back. We should forgive ourselves and redirect our attention to build a new Nigeria.  The quest for national development is not a sprint but a marathon. In the quest to move forward as a people, we must be ready to endure many twists and turns and be ready to make individual sacrifices for this country. It was President John Fitzgerald Kennedy who said 'ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.' As stakeholders in the Nigerian project, each of us should carve out our own small piece of Nigeria in our workplace, home, church, mosque and make it the ideal of our dreams. By doing this, the sum of our individual efforts will add up to the Nigeria of our dreams. Yes, we can! Day by day, everything I see around me makes me believe Nigeria is the World power in-waiting. When a man decides to embark on a worthy venture, the gods would necessarily back him up.

Daniel Chimezie is a student, Author, Social Commentator and Co-Pilot, Project Change Initiative (PCI).
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UNDERSTANDING THE 21ST CENTURY CULTURAL CHANGE: The Nexus Between Functional Adults, Stronger Families, Healthier Societies And Economic Renaissance by Obele Gospel.

As much as we begin to see the need for a change, a critical success factor for lasting growth and development would be how healthy our societies are.  This is so critical and has been an aspect Africans and most people who preach change, have neglected. Our minds in this part of the world have been contaminated strongly with religious beliefs, traditions and culture, family and social backgrounds, etc. which have shaped our behavioural traits, sense of value, drive for excellence and ultimately, our perception towards relationship, marriage, parenting and economic renaissance.

We see no connection with how our backgrounds, lives and personalities shape our minds, attitudes and the change we want to see. We could be more likened to be a clean glass of water at birth and over time as we grew, we gave ourselves to various religious beliefs, family and social influence. We got our water stained and mixed with sand. We have grown overtime becoming unconscious of ourselves and carried away with the need for change that we forget to solve our own problems, challenges in our families and those around us.
“Leadership and change in the 21st century is most effective, when we triumph in the place of personal leadership”                                                                                                                            -OBELE GOSPEL
We need to revisit our childhood, background, temperament and behavioural traits, how they came about and genuinely decide what future we want in order to reposition ourselves appropriately.
“There can only be a new Nigeria when we have new Nigerians”                                                                                             - Sam Adeyemi
Please ponder on these things;
1.    What traits have we picked from our parents (trans-generational heart transfer), families and societies that have shaped us and how truly have these perceptions impacted on our parental skills (in the 21st century) and ability to be award winning spouses?
2.    How well do we understand our roles and as men and women in Nation building?
3.    How ready are we to help secure our generation?
4.    How true and intense is our passion for change?
Life in the 21st century and its demands have redefined the roles of the male and the female respectively, in order to have more functional adults, stronger families, healthier societies and greater economies.
 “A dysfunctional child cannot become a functional adult”.                                                                                                      - Kay Akhigbe II
“There exists a nexus between functional adult, stronger families, healthier societies and sustainable economic renaissance”                                                                                                         - Obele Gospel
As an organisational and economic development strategist, I have realized, we must embrace this “shift” for sustained impact. It’s first within and then without. Personal transformation precedes national and continental transformation. We need individuals who will take up the responsibility in ensuring that we are healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically and spiritually to become functional adults, acquire skills for parenting in order to secure our generation, build strong families and healthier societies which would add up incredibly to sustain growth and development.  

Have a great week ahead. You will succeed!

Obele Gospel is the CRO- Project Change Initiative (PCI), A 21st Century Organisational and Economic Development Strategist.                                               
For comments, visit OBELE Jesuite on facebook or @OBELEObele on twitter and contact him at and 08130070991.                                                    
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Again, First Bank wins HR Best Practice Award

Mrs. Ayodele Jaiyesimi, Head, Human Capital Management and Development, First Bank
The First Bank of Nigeria has emerged the winner of the 2013 Human Resource Best Practice Award of the Chartered Institute of personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPMN). The award instituted about two years ago by CIPM is aimed at rewarding excellence in human resource management and promoting best practices in human resource management in firms and organisations.

The award was presented at the 45th Annual Conference of CIPM holding at the International Conference Centre, Abuja. This is the second time Mrs. Ayodele Jaiyesimi, the Head, Human Capital Management and Development, First Bank would be receiving the award on behalf of the bank. The ongoing 45th annual conference of CIPM has the theme " Evolve and Excel" and is aimed at providing the platform for Human Resource Practitioners to understand the dynamics of the profession, adapt and achieve personal and organisational excellence.  
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Understanding 21st Century Cultural changes: Confronting the 21st Century Skill Gap in Africa (II)

Last week, we examined briefly the challenge facing the African student in an ever changing world. Before I start up, it is important to note that:
The expected budgetary allocation by developing countries for education is a minimum of 26% as prescribed by UNESCO but countries in Africa  e.g. Cote D’Ivoire currently allocate 14% while Nigeria still struggles to attain 8.7% annually.
In the 1970s and 1980s, the classroom used to be at par with the workplace. That is, academic curricula were enough to meet workplace demands.  This was before the fall of the Berlin wall, but currently the workplace stands far above what the classroom offers.
93% of girls in the north do not have access to secondary education.
A research showed that four hundred hiring executives of major Corporations were asked “Are students graduating from school ready for work?”. The executives collectively answered – “Not Really”
The study showed that students graduating from Secondary Schools, Technical Colleges and Universities are solely lacking in some basic skills and a large number of applied skills such as;
- Oral and written Communication -      Applying technology
- Critical thinking and problem -      Leadership and project management
- Professionalism and work ethics
- Teamwork and collaboration
- Working in diverse teams
These reports confirm that the “21st Century Skill Gap” is costing businesses a great deal of money. Some estimate that well over $200 billion a year is spent worldwide in funding and hiring scarce, highly skilled talent, and in bringing new employees up to required skilled levels through costly training programs. As budgets tighten further in tough economic times, companies need high competent employees, ready to hit the ground running without extra training and development costs.
The competitiveness and wealth of corporation and countries is completely dependent on having a well-educated workforce. Improving a country’s literacy rate by a small amount can have huge positive economic impact.
Educating the girl child, is a major solution to most developmental problems faced by third world countries.
- United Nations.
Education and human Capital development primarily play important roles on Society’s’ evolving stage.
It empowers us to develop or personal characters, talents and skills.
To build stronger families, healthier societies, which add up incredibly to sustained growth and development.
Contribute to work and fulfillment of civic responsibilities.
Carry our moral and cultural values forward.
As much as we are critically challenged with the African Educational System and the emotional and mental well being of most students, we must kick the change we desire for the sake our future families, society, work life and economy.
African Youths (students) must rise above this current state of mediocrity around us, above what lecturers, ministers, and the world at large has called us. Please take the bull by the horn, because our generation must pay the sacrifice for change. We must grow beyond the restrictive walls of the University system, develop ourselves with the requisite skills and tool sets for change and invest aggressively in our up growth to become globally competitive.
Education starts outside the classrooms.
Let’s get back to the drawing board and change the game plan.
You will succeed!!!

Obele Gospel Jesuite is the Chief Responsibility Officer- Project Change Initiative (PCI), and a proud 21st century development economist. He can be reached at 08130070991,

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SWF to Invest in Capital Market, Aviation Sector

Managing Director of the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA), Mr. Uche Orji

  Earmarks 32.5% for infrastructure • To make returns to govt after 5 years
Managing Director of the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA), Mr. Uche Orji, has said that the authority was looking at investing in Monoline insurance, securities, health and aviation sectors of the economy.

Speaking at the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) Eminent Speakers' Series held in Abuja on Friday, he also explained that each of the components which makes up the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF), including Stabilisation, Infrastructure and Future Generation Funds, would have to be operated profitably for five years before returns by way of dividends could be made into the federation account for the three tiers of government to share.

The NSIA boss said already questionnaires were being sent to domestic managers for the various asset classes with domestic component.

Specifically, he noted that in the health sector, investment was being considered in the area of establishment of diagnostic centers which according to him had been found to have good returns.

In the aviation sector, he said the plan would be to help airlines have leasing opportunities to allow them access to new aircraft, adding that this had been a major challenge in the industry.

Speaking on the topic: "Sovereign Wealth Fund and the Nigerian Capital Market ... Joining the Dots", Orji said ideas were still being developed for investment in the Monoline insurance to ascertain its viability in the country.

Stating that the monoline insurance option had been found to be highly successful in the United States, Indonesia and other parts of the world, he said the sector remained: "One of the best market ideas we have seen so far is the creation of monoline insurance. Now, we have to appoint somebody to go and develop the idea and get investors and see how that works."

NSIA boss however noted that even though there were plans to invest in private equities within and abroad, not a lot would be invested in the capital market for now because it does not presently have enough funds at its disposal.

While noting that investment in securities would grow over time, Orji further stated that about 32.5 per cent of the overall fund would be invested in Infrastructure within the country.

He said: "We believe securitisation is the way forward. We would like to invest in bonds:
If we can't issue bonds then let's invest in bonds."

In her remarks, the Director General of SEC, Ms Arunmah Oteh, said the NSIA presented an opportunity for the commission to solidify their partnerships given that the former is a key institutional investor in the capital market.

She said: "I think the approach they've taken is what is important. What they want to do is ensure that every dollar that they put in brings in other dollars: working on preparing projects better so that they also make sure the projects are profitable-these are things we find very unique. So this is something we are very supportive of because we think it's a way to enable the capital market to support infrastructure."

The SEC Series is an intellectual platform through which SEC personnel engage frontier developments in the Nigerian economy and society as well as the champions of these developments.
- Thisday